Trevor Ellis Consulting Limited


The following are links to other organisations’ websites.

Dart Charge
Details of the charge can be found here.

Dublin M50 toll
Details of the toll can be found here.

Details here of the Dutch government project to implement a distance, weight and emissions-based charge on all trucks using the major Dutch road network. The website is in Dutch, view in Google Chrome for translation.

Blankenburgverbinding and ViA15
Details here and here of the Dutch new road PPP schemes to be partially funded by tolls. The websites are in Dutch.  View in Google Chrome for translation.

Betalen naar Gebruik (Payment by Use)
The report to the Dutch Parliament on the feasibility of national all-vehicle charging by use is here.  View in Google Chrome for translation.  TECL contributed to the technical section.

Transport for London – Congestion Charge
Information on the London Congestion Charge can be found here

Transport for London – Low Emission Zone
Information on the London Low Emission Zone and Ultra Low Emission Zone can be found here and here

UK Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU)
The central clean air zone (CAZ) vehicle checker and payment facility, provided by JAQU can be found here

Portsmouth Clean Air Zone
Details of the scheme by Portsmouth City Council to reduce air pollution in their city can be found here

Greater Manchester clean air zone
Details of the scheme by Transport for Greater Manchester to reduce air pollution in Greater Manchester can be found here

ITS UK is a not-for-profit organisation for promoting the benefits of intelligent transport systems and providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and best practice between the members and outside organisations. Details can be found here

European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
The 2019 EETS Directive can be found here, and the UK legislation here.  The EU information website can be found here